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Bobby Brown
Post 2016-02-19
Polysulfone(PSU) Material Characterization


What is Polysulfone (PSU) ?

Polysulfone (PSU) refers to a class of polymer materials characterized by an alkyl-SO2-alkyl structural unit. These polymers are noted for their excellent recovery posture and stability at high temperatures, capable of withstanding continuous pressure at temperatures up to 150°C (302°F).

In 1965, Union Carbide in the United States first industrialized the production of polysulfone. Due to the high cost of raw materials and the difficulty in processing, polysulfone is typically used in applications that require very strict material specifications, including medical surgical instruments, membrane filtration; aerospace, automotive exteriors, and fuel system components, among others. PSU polysulfone is also a high-end alternative to polycarbonate.

Polysulfone Material Properties

Polysulfone (PSU) polymers are rigid, high-strength, and transparent, retaining these properties between −100°C and 150°C. PSU material boasts very high dimensional stability; the size change when exposed to boiling water or 150°C air or steam generally falls below 0.1%. Its glass transition temperature is 185°C.

Polysulfone material is highly resistant to mineral acids, alkali, and electrolytes, maintaining polysulfone chemical compatibility in pH ranging from 2 to 13. It exhibits polysulfone chemical resistance to oxidizing agents, making it cleanable with bleaches, and is also resistant to surfactants and hydrocarbon oils. However, it is not resistant to low-polar organic solvents (e.g., ketones and chlorinated hydrocarbons) and aromatic hydrocarbons. Mechanically, polysulfone has high compaction resistance, recommending its use under high pressures. Additionally, PSU material is stable in aqueous acids and bases and many non-polar solvents but is soluble in dichloromethane and methylpyrrolidone.

Polysulfone Chemical resistance chart

How to use this chart

» Meaning of symbol: 
OK: Recommended. △: Must confirm if usable by testing in advanced. X: Not recommended.
» This chart only provides the result of a single chemical to material, if a client uses more than one kind of chemical at the same time, please choose material by experience.
» This chart is for reference only which is not applicable to all working environments. Please refer to design equipment according to practical experience.
Category Name PSU
Organic acids Acetic acid △ (20%)
Acetic acid, glacial N/A
Acetic anhydride
Citric acid OK (40%)
Organic compound
Acetaldehyde OK (<159˚C)
Acetone OK (5%)
X (100%)
Methyl alcohol X
Aniline OK
Benzene N/A
Benzyl alcohol
Benzyl chloride
Corn oil OK
Ethanol OK
Ethylene glycol OK
Fatty acid OK
Formaldehyde N/A
Formic acid OK
Hexane OK
Lactic acid
Paraffin oil N/A
Petroleum N/A
Phenol X
Propane, liq OK
Stearic acid OK
Tannic acid N/A
Tartaric acid N/A
Toluene N/A
Urea N/A
Inorganic compound
Ammonia N/A
Ammonium chloride OK
Ammonium hydroxide OK
Ammonium nitrate OK
Ammonium sulfate OK
Aqua regia OK
Barium chloride OK
Barium hydroxide OK
Brine OK
Calcium Chloride OK
Calcium hydroxide OK
Carbonic acid OK
Chloric acid
Detergent OK
Hydrobromic acid OK (37% @ <150˚C)
Hydrochloric acid OK (30%)
Hydrofluoric acid △ (50%)
Hydrogen peroxide △ (50%)
Nitric acid OK (5%)
OK (40%)
△ (71%)
Phosphoric acid OK (40%)
Potassium hydroxide OK (35%)
Potassium nitrate OK
Potassium sulfate OK
Sodium carbonate N/A
Sodium hydroxide OK (50%)
Sodium nitrate N/A
Sulfuric acid △ (40%)
△ (90%)
Sulfur dioxide N/A


  1. ^ PSU - wikipedia
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