Bobby Brown
Post 2019-02-08
LORRIC Achieves RoHS Certification and Unveils

In the spirit of the Lunar New Year, LORRIC has launched a visually delightful and festive red envelope, based on its unique brand illustration, as a token of gratitude towards its customers.

The LORRIC brand symbol, inspired by the sperm whale, embodies depth, intelligence, and the perseverance of the deepest-diving and most resilient whale species. Capable of plunging into the depths of over 2000 meters, the sperm whale represents not only bravery in the face of the ocean's most profound dangers but also the embodiment of wisdom and strength in the marine world. LORRIC believes the sperm whale perfectly encapsulates the essence of our brand and our commitment to product excellence.

The red envelope features the brand's whale illustration, integrated with the traditional Lunar New Year greeting of "may there be surplus every year," to evoke the imagery of "golden surplus." It is our hope that this gesture will bring our customers and friends prosperity and a "golden surplus" in the year 2019, as we celebrate the Lunar New Year together.

The "Golden Surplus" red envelope is LORRIC's inaugural venture into incorporating its visual brand identity into a corporate gift. Maintaining the innovative spirit inherited from our product development, we have meticulously planned and executed this gift, aiming to deliver not only aesthetically pleasing visuals but also a tangible sense of quality. We look forward to you experiencing LORRIC's dedication and passion through this thoughtful offering.

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