Bobby Brown
Post 2022-04-30
Incorporating ESG into Corporate Governance: LORRIC's Proactive Approach

LORRIC upholds the concept of corporate sustainability, establishing long-term partnerships with customers and community groups, fulfilling corporate citizenship responsibilities, and maintaining advanced standards in safety, health, and environmental protection. In 2017, the company adopted the ISO 9001 quality management certification, elevating its quality management to international standards, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. In 2018, LORRIC plans to implement the ISO 14001 environmental management certification to reduce its environmental impact and achieve the concept of sustainable operation.

What is ESG?

ESG represents the three essential elements of corporate sustainable development: sustainable development or sustainability, commonly defined by the Brundtland Commission's "Our Common Future" as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Sustainable development strives to achieve environmental protection, economic growth, and sustainability goals.

LORRIC's Specific ESG Practices 

Environmental Greening:
The plant area is highly green, with a variety of plants grown without the use of chemical herbicides, creating a robust natural ecosystem. As a result, LORRIC's factory has become a vital resting place for Black-crowned Night Herons each spring, exemplifying LORRIC's commitment to environmental greenery.
Reusable Dining Utensils:
All employees use stainless steel lunch boxes, reducing the environmental burden of disposable utensils.
Paperless Office:
The office utilizes digital documents to save resources and reduce paper waste, aiming for an environmentally friendly operation.
Prohibition of Graphite Powder:
LORRIC's high-quality industrial fan and cone nozzles spray uniform liquid particles with high impact, replacing graphite powder, scrubbing gels, and exfoliating beads in cleaning applications. This policy aligns with global environmental trends, further reducing the entry of microplastics into the ocean and lessening the impact on marine ecosystems.

Product Packaging

LORRIC's product packaging meets the EU's RoHS standards, designed to minimize environmental impact.

Environmental Equipment

The new plant includes solar energy recovery, rainwater harvesting, and waste recycling facilities to efficiently use recycled resources and reduce natural resource waste.

Wastewater Treatment

Mechanical processing oils produced during manufacturing are treated with an in-house designed oil-water separator, and residual oils are broken down in a biodegradation tank, mitigating harm to nature.

Employee Health and Development

Ventilation equipment installed to extract gases from plastic injection processes, mitigating health risks to employees from inhalation. 
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