Nozzle Technology

Perhitungan Tekanan, Diameter Lubang, dan Aliran pada Nozel
Perhitungan Tekanan, Diameter Lubang, dan Aliran pada Nozel

Perhitungan Tekanan, Diameter Lubang, dan Aliran p...

How to Clean Nozzles Properly? A Simple Guide

Maintaining nozzle efficiency in both industrial a...

Nozzle Dynamics: Impact Force and Pressure Distribution

Impact is total force, which is proportional to fl...

Panduan Lengkap Jenis-Jenis Nozzle dan Aplikasinya dalam Industri

Nozzle adalah alat yang umum digunakan di berbagai...

Mengenal Two-Fluid Nozzle: Teori dan Praktik

Nosel dua fluida berfungsi dengan memanfaatkan uda...

Principle of Fan Spray Nozzles

When the liquid passes the orifice through the pre...

Nozzle Spray Patterns: The Key to Cost-Saving and Efficiency in Industry

The definition of spay shape is the shape generate...

Introduction of Nozzle’s Connector

LORRIC provides nozzles in various ways to be inst...

Instantly Learn How to Read "Flow Rate"

Understanding Flow and Its Distribution: Insights ...

Bagaimana cara menghitung "sudut semprotan" dan "area cakupan semprotan"?

The definition of “Spray angle ” is the angle of s...

The Seven Cornerstones for Choosing the Correct Nozzle

To choose the correct nozzle, you must consider sp...

Why LORRIC Nozzles Outperform Generic Brands: A Detailed Comparison

* LORRIC nozzles’ exterior form is smooth and prec...