Bobby Brown
Post 2016-12-14
3 facts you must know about “spray angle”


  • Spray angle refers to the nozzle's emitted shape angle, typically measured in degrees, serving as an indicator for simplifying coverage area.
  • Influenced by factors like gravity and air resistance, the spray angle doesn't necessarily correlate with the pressure of ejection.
  • Choosing a nozzle angle requires considering distance to the target, and the spacing between adjacent nozzles and spray bars to ensure desired spray coverage.


Spray technology plays a pivotal role across numerous industries, with "spray angle" being a key element. This article aims to quickly impart an understanding of this crucial concept. Through straightforward explanations and illustrations, you will grasp the essence of "spray angle" and how to make informed choices in its application.

1. What is "Spray Angle"?

Schematic diagram of Spray Angle
The "spray angle" is the angle formed by the shape of the nozzle's emission.

2. 5 Sentences on Understanding "Spray Angle" Easily

  • Unit of spray angle: degrees.
  • Spray angle serves as an indicator to simplify coverage area.
  • Due to gravity and air resistance, it doesn’t travel in a tangent direction.
  • Angle and pressure are not directly related.
  • Under 10kg/cm², the larger the pressure for fan nozzles, the larger the angle; however, this is not necessarily the case for cone nozzles.

3. About Angles and Coverage Areas

About Angles and Coverage Areas

At a distance of 300 mm, theoretical spray area:

  • 90° angle: 60cm, 0.28㎡ per unit
  • 170° angle: 150cm, 1.76㎡ per unit (approximately 6.3 times)

4. 3 Key Distance Decisions for Choosing Nozzle Angles

1 ) Distance to Target

The distance between the nozzles and the target area, such as a plant canopy, significantly affects spray deposition. Optimal distance settings ensure efficient coverage while minimizing drift and wastage. Adjustments should consider the type of spray and the specific application requirements to maximize efficacy.

Schematic diagram of  Distance to Target

2 ) Distance Between Adjacent Nozzles

Maintaining the right distance between adjacent nozzles is crucial for achieving uniform coverage across the target area. Incorrect spacing can lead to overlapping spray zones or missed areas, affecting the overall effectiveness of the application. This distance varies depending on the nozzle type and the desired coverage pattern.

3 ) Distance Between Spray Bars

For non-fan nozzles, such as solid cone, hollow cone, and spiral nozzles, the distance between spray bars plays a critical role in angle selection and, consequently, in the coverage pattern and effectiveness of the spray. Proper adjustment ensures optimal spray overlap and uniform distribution across the target.

Schematic diagram of Distance Between Spray Bars
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