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Flowmeter Scale Customization

With 30 years of professional experience in flow meter development and manufacturing, backed by professional certifications and a comprehensive customization process, we offer expert knowledge and consultation.

Working with sulfuric acid, caustic soda, or unique specialty chemicals? Explore our tailored specific gravity scale customization services

Diverse chemicals, varying specific gravity. LORRIC offers bespoke specific gravity customization to match your chemical needs. No more on-site manual height adjustments!

Working with sulfuric acid, caustic soda, or unique specialty chemicals? Explore our tailored specific gravity scale customization services
What we customize

What we customize

  • Different measure unit (LPM, LPH, CMPM and more)
  • Main and secondary scale
  • Different liquid proportion
  • Different gas molecular weights
  • Different measuring ranges

Customizing Flow Meter Scales: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Range of customized flow capacity should be stayed within the capacity of existing products.
  • Customizable capacity will be affected by customization of proportion and viscosity, please contact us directly for this service.
  • To customize too compressed flow scales is not suggested, and leads difficulty of on-site observation