Bobby Brown
Post 2016-02-18
Brass Metal Material Characterization


What is Brass

Brass is an alloy made primarily of copper and zinc, with the proportion of zinc varying to create a range of brasses with differing properties. The zinc content typically ranges from 5% to 45%, affecting the alloy’s strength, malleability, and color. Adding other elements such as lead, tin, iron, aluminum, and silicon can further modify its characteristics, resulting in specialized brasses tailored for specific uses.

  • Alpha brasses (up to 35% zinc) are ductile and are used in forming and bending operations.
  • Beta brasses (35% to 45% zinc) are harder and stronger, suitable for casting.
  • Lead brasses are added with lead to improve machinability, commonly used in fittings and valves.

Chemical and physical properties

Brass is a material distinguished by its unique combination of characteristics, including excellent corrosion resistance, good thermal and electrical conductivity, and significant aesthetic appeal. Its ability to avoid tarnishing and its wide color range, from deep red to golden yellow, makes it highly favored by artists and designers. 
Additionally, its antimicrobial properties are increasingly recognized for public health applications, such as in door handles and other fixtures, to minimize pathogen transmission. The material's versatility is further demonstrated in its broad array of uses across different sectors. In the world of music, brass is the preferred material for instruments like trumpets and trombones because of its superior acoustic qualities. 
In manufacturing, its durability and wear resistance make it ideal for components like gears, bearings, and valves. Its non-sparking nature and water compatibility make it a prime choice for plumbing and electrical uses. Moreover, brass is sought after in the decorative domain for its use in jewelry, sculptures, and architectural features, offering both beauty and longevity to a variety of creations.

Chemical resistance chart

How to use this chart

» Meaning of symbol: 
OK: Recommended. △: Must confirm if usable by testing in advanced. X: Not recommended.
» This chart only provides the result of a single chemical to material, if a client uses more than one kind of chemical at the same time, please choose material by experience.
» This chart is for reference only which is not applicable to all working environments. Please refer to design equipment according to practical experience.

Category Name Brass
Organic acids
Acetic acid X
Acetic acid, glacial N/A
Acetic anhydride X
Citric acid N/A
Organic compound
Acetaldehyde X
Acetone OK
Methyl alcohol X
Aniline X
Benzaldehyde X
Benzene N/A
Benzyl alcohol N/A
Benzyl chloride N/A
Corn oil N/A
Ethanol X
Ethylene glycol OK
Fatty acid N/A
Formaldehyde OK
Formic acid OK
Hexane N/A
Lactic acid X
Methanol X
Paraffin oil N/A
Petroleum N/A
Phenol OK
Propane, liq OK
Propanol OK
Stearic acid N/A
Tannic acid N/A
Tartaric acid N/A
Toluene OK
Urea N/A
Inorganic compound
Ammonium chloride N/A
Ammonium hydroxide X
Ammonium nitrate N/A
Ammonium sulfate N/A
Aqua regia N/A
Barium chloride OK
Barium hydroxide OK
Brine N/A
Calcium Chloride N/A
Calcium hydroxide N/A
Carbonic acid N/A
Chloric acid N/A
Chlorine X (wet)
Detergent OK
Hydrobromic acid N/A
Hydrochloric acid N/A
Hydrofluoric acid △ (50%)
Hydrogen peroxide X (30%)
Nitric acid X (10%)
X (concentrated)
Phosphoric acid X (10%)
X (concentrated)
Potassium hydroxide X (50%)
Potassium nitrate OK
Potassium sulfate OK
Sodium carbonate OK
Sodium hydroxide X
Sodium nitrate N/A
Sulfuric acid X (concentrated)
Sulfur dioxide △ (liquid)


  1. ^ Brass - wikipedia
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