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Bobby Brown
Post 2018-10-25
4 ways LORRIC re-designed the variable flowmeter to greatly improve usability and readability.


Compared to other flow meters from a myriad of measurement theories, variable flow meters have time-tested features. For example, instant flow rate reading, broad application, less pressure and of course lower cost. Especially when talking about instant flow rate reading, users can monitor the status of the fluid and measure it at the same time.

With 30 years of experience as a flowmeter provider and flow technology consultant for thousands of clients, LORRIC found that besides proper installation, a well-designed indicator is needed for proper on-site readability. In 2018, LORRIC introduced a new variable area flowmeter model with design improvements. We will explain with 4 points why this indicator is better.

1. The location of Indicator Remains Beside the Flow Meter’s Body

The location of Indicator Remains Beside the Flow Meter’s Body

Commonly, the indicators are attached to the front side of the flow tube. This can easily cause visibility issues. Some providers have alternatively designed an indicator to be attached on the side of the tube body, but this leads to a reduction in visible area for the indicator When LORRIC began to design our first generation variable area flow meter, we took this issue seriously. The indicator on our older model had already improved on this issue. However, after receiving a lot of feedback from our clients, we were not satisfied with the old design and once again determined to improve the quality.

2. Adjustment Track with Jagged Engraving

Adjustment Track with Jagged Engraving

With LORRIC’s old variable area flow meter model, the indicator was placed on the slide rail located beside the flow meter’s body. However, the indicator may have issues due to overuse or uneven force. Our new model comes with an adjustment track with jagged engraving. With this improvement in design, the indicator could be easily adjusted to a specified flow range without fear of it accidentally moving. Hence, a more accurate and consistent indication. It improves the usability and efficiency for on-site management.

3. Improved Adjustment Handle on the Indicator

Improved Adjustment Handle on the Indicator

To easily adjust the indicator, LORRIC designed a cylinder shaped handle on the indicator. By taking advantage of the leverage principle and our adjustment track with jagged engraving, users are able to smoothly transition the handle to their desired location.

4. Multi-Functional Holes on the Indicator Track

Multi-Functional Holes on the Indicator Track

After visiting thousands of clients factories, we found there were entangled cables, pipes and signs around the flow meter. As a premier industrial equipment provider, we understand that disorder breeds inefficiency. Our R&D department got to work and invented multi-functional holes on the indicator track” for our large size variable area flowmeters. Users are able to take advantage of these two holes with cables ties to fix cables, pipes or signs. It shows that smart and simple ideas can go a long way in improving on-site efficiency.

➡︎ Click links for details of LORRIC new model variable area flow meters: LORRIC rotameters

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